History of the switchgear production location Bad Muskau
- The outbreak of WW II begins to become apparent Schalterwerk II (circuit-breaker plant II) of
Siemens & Schuckert AG is relocated from Berlin to Oppach

- Relocation of Schalterwerk III to Gebweiler (Elsass) Regular production operations until the
end of 1943
- Allied troops land in Normandy – air attacks in Elsass begin Schalterwerk cleared within 10 days
- The mobile part of the Siemens Schalterwerk is loaded onto multiple freight trains and transported to Muskau
- Freight cars arrive in Muskau in October, November, December 1944
- Invasion of Red Army through Köbeln on the way to Muskau Decision to tear down the heavy industrial facility of the second plant BUT: The work is interrupted after first story is torn down -› switching device plant lives on and operates for decades with remaining ruins Commencement of construction/reconstruction of the Schalterwerk; provision of two sites for reconstruction
1st site: Plant I - Factory situated in the north-east of the city
- Was formerly a wagon factory
- For the most part it was spared the destruction of WWII
- For many years the site was the home of prefabrication, including the welding shop, galvanic surface treatment, several storage areas, part of the works services and vehicle fleet, and administration
2nd site: Plant II - Factory situated in the city center (Neißedamm)
- Was formerly a Reemtsma box factory – was spared the destruction of WWII
- For many years the site was the location of paint treatment, aggregate and final assembly, production and development test facilities, and shipping

1946 -
- Commencement of production under the name Siemens & Schuckert AG – Gerätewerk Muskau, with the manufacture of the expansion circuit-breaker developed by Siemens Commencement of manufacturing of firedamp-safe equipment for mining use Disconnector circuit-breakers of the LT 20 model range are built

- Nationalization of the company Plant converts to state ownership VEB Schaltgerätewerk Muskau is formed from the former Siemens & Schuckert AG operation
1960 -
- Production of the expansion circuit-breaker is phased out in favor of the modern low-oil circuit-breaker of the SCI model series
- In SCI circuit-breakers separate porcelain post insulators between the conductor and the base frame are omitted for the first time
- The entire current circuit is incorporated into cast-resin "cylinders" Circuit-breakers of the SCI model range are built for operating voltages ranging from 6 kV to 20 kV in the performance classes of 250 MVA to 750 MVA
- A total of ca. 50,000 units are built

Ende der
60er-/Anfang der
70er- Jahre
- Demand for medium-voltage circuit-breakers increases sharply
- Order backlog in some cases of more than a year
- A large range of measures are introduced to reduce the enormous demand and the economic problems:
- Development of the SCI 4 circuit-breaker model range VEB Schaltgerätewerk Muskau's first development of its very own Circuit-breakers are built for nominal voltages ranging from 6 kV
to 36 kV and for breaking currents ranging from 12.5 kA to 31.5 kA nspannungen von 6 kV bis 36 kV und für Ausschaltströme von 12,5 kA bis 31,5 kA gebaut

- Production of SCI model range commences, phased according to power ratings In recognition of the scientific and technical standard achieved and the very positive response on the market, the model range is awarded the gold medal at the Leipzig spring fair
Ende der
- The type VCI vacuum circuit-breaker transition in production commences - The model range is based on the SCI 4 model range - Circuit-breakers are manufactured for nominal voltages ranging from 6 kV to 36 kV and for breaking currents ranging from 16 kA to 31.5 kA - Based on this model range, single-pole circuit-breakers of 36 kV and 16 2/3 Hz are developed and manufactured as special variants for the Deutsche Reichsbahn (East-German Railway) and 50 Hz for the Bulgarian state railway

- VEB Schaltgerätewerk Muskau converts into corporation (GmbH) and is taken over by trustee
- Sale of the company to the firm HOLEC (Holland)
- Following the phasing out of the switching-device plant by the trustee, Plant II is cleared - Plant II is relocated to Plant I
- EResale to a company of the former Preussag AG (today TUI)
- The demolition of several buildings commences - A section of the basic historical structure of the building including the small river power plant built in it are retained
New beginnings
- M. Domel acquires ZUSCHA Boss GmbH in Uhingen/ Stuttgart
- Renaming to SchaltanlagenZubehör Bad Muskau GmbH
- Relocation and commencement of production at the Heideweg 2 site in Bad Muskau (production of manual and motorized operating mechanisms) with 3 employees
- SZM begins with servicing work on former low-oil circuit-breakers of Bad Muskau production and grows to 10 employees
- Commencement of retrofit production for ABB in Ratingen and Mannheim
- SZM acquires the supplier "HONKO GmbH" with the majority of the employees and begins its own prefabrication with modern CNC machine tools
- Startup of the "circuit-breaker division"; development of vacuum circuit-breakers up to 36 kV begins/ production begins in 2006 with roughly 30 employees
- Modernization of the machinery with new machine tools for 500,000 €
- Begin of design and manufacture of retrofit solutions for Siemens AG
- SZM is forced to enlarge and begins planning a new production plant
- Official inauguration of the new production plant of 2,000m²
- Gemeinschaftsentwicklung einer SF6-isolierten Schaltanlage mit der KÖHL AG Luxemburg
- Acquisition of important products from the former ABB Ferch site, such as the C3 switch-disconnector, ZS1 and ZS4 switchgear, as well as power block; commencement of production in Bad Muskau on 01.01.2013; number of employees grows to more than 50
- SZM is bursting at the seams again – planning for an expansion of assembly space to 1,500 m² begins
- SZM offices in Berlin open, E.-Steinfurth-Str.6
- The new production plant is handed over and SZM production of switchgear begins
- A license agreement for SIMOPRIME switchgear from Siemens AG is signed
- Conclusion of a license agreement for production of the C3 switch-disconnector
- Production of retrofit products for the low-voltage area commences
- SZM's "Service North" site in Schwarzenbek near Hamburg is opened